So, this is a dual post. First I'm going to share with you my submission for this week's Let's Do 52 project hosted by
Paint the Moon Photography and then I'm going to share with you the first, and so far only, room in our house we've completely 100% finished. Yes, I know... you're probably thinking "only ONE room?! You've lived there for a MONTH!" In my defense, during that month we had Christmas, Christmas parties, birthday's, New Years, plus fantasy football... and you know that trumps all on our Sunday afternoons :) Back to the post.
So, we are in week 3 of the 52 project. Why yes, Captain Obvious, I have only submitted one week. I couldn't come up with anything for last week, so I skipped it. *slap on the hand* let's move on. This week's theme was White (or negative) Space or Everyday Tools. Once again, I combined them. My "everday tool" I shot was my morning cup of coffee. I used one of my fiesta ware cups I got as a wedding gift because I just LOVE the color. Here is my submission.

I have to say... I kind of love what I came up with. I love the vivid color, and the crisp white of the background contrasting with the shadow. Although it may not appear to be, but this picture was taken at night under a lamp on my beautiful new media cabinet (we'll get to that beauty later!). Surprisingly, THIS picture taught me SO much about photoshop. I learned how to REALLY edit color and contrast, and how to make pictures warmer and cooler without using the auto buttons that I have relied on for so many years. It really took me out of my box to edit this photo... believe it or not. Sometimes it's hard to see all the work and editing that goes into pictures... even one as simple as this. Let me show you with a before and after photo.
Now do you see? Magic! :)
Now that I've bored you with pictures of my coffee cup, lets move on to my house! I know, yippee!!! So, the one and only room I'm going to show you is.... *drumroll*... the office. I know... even more boring than the coffee cup. Sorry. It was the easiest one to put together and I feel like I've really let you down with NO house pictures. Here's a few of the office with the new posters I had framed and printed for Daniel's Christmas present (he loved them!)

Well, these pictures aren't quite as pretty as the coffee cup, but I wasn't really too interested in editing photos of my home at 2 am. Again, sorry. Daniel decided he wants nothing but black and white in "his" room (shocker!). It's probably to counter all the "color" I put everywhere else. Borrrinnnggg. Don't you LOVE those posters though?! The middle one is a print my company handed out to us to celebrate the release of our very first game, Orcs Must Die! That particular image actually won an award. Yay Robot! He has two more of those posters coming, which will fill the gaps above the Mavericks poster and below the Jordan poster. We're still working on the desk and the organization, but the room is clean and functional and probably as decorated as Daniel will allow for now.
Oh... I forgot. I also have two pictures of my gallery wall I'm 99.9% finished with. Enjoy.
There's the chevron print I posted on Facebook a few days ago! I finally got my Cricut in the mail the other day, so once I get the chipboard, I'll finish that project and be done with it. Oh... and please don't hate on me for having the photos that came with the frames. I haven't had a chance to get my wedding photo's printed yet and at least they're artistic enough to be pleasing. Dont hate.
2/25/12 UPDATE! I finished the chevron print.
Here it is :)
Next week's theme is Unique Perspective or Sparkle! I'm SO excited for this week so I'll definitely be posting my submission next week! Any idea's for photos? Comment and let me know :)